Is your sustainability certificate really making a difference? How deep does it go? Has it helped shape your commercial strategy?
I see a lot of companies now brandishing their sustainability credentials. And that’s a good thing. In my view sometimes even when it’s greenwash (see earlier post).
But your sustainability can come from so many levels.
At its most basic, a sustainable company. Carbon neutral, or better, aiming for Net Zero is one level. And a laudable one.
But where it gets exciting is when you start to look for ways for it to shape your above-the-line commercial strategy. Specially if it allows you to both hit a more sustainable spot, and one that’s commercially stronger.
For example, if you’re a consulting organisation could you look at a portfolio which includes working with clients on their sustainability and biodiversity credentials? Not only if you’re a pure sustainability consultant, but even if you sell Microsoft Teams, data and AI, Salesforce or whatever?
Addressing the sustainability challenge / opportunity in your value chain can form a part of your commercial strategy, and furrow a new niche.
And it’s not just about sustainability and biodiversity. It could as readily be diversity and social justice.
So sure, tick the carbon neutral box. That’s a good thing to do. But why stop there? Our world needs a more creative answer, and your company may flourish as a result.
[Talk to me if you’d like to pursue a more purpose and values-led strategy aligned with commercial and operational success]How we can support you
- Join us on a workshop on how to scale your company; create time to focus on the bigger picture; and keep values and purpose core to your company. For max 5 CEOs of companies with revenues between £1.5m and £15m.
- Subscribe to our Bite-Sized Business Tips - thought snippets for values-centred business leaders. Every few days, a short focussed read on a specific topic of how to lead a company that values both profit and purpose.
- Talk to us to explore how we can help you scale your company in the direction you want to take it.