Leadership is light. Where are the role models? They’re certainly not in charge of our political parties in the UK. The “leaders” of both main parties are on the wrong side of the largest environmental and humanitarian crises today. The opportunity to be brave, to paint a future for generations, to secure a solid foundation […]
What you do about people determines performance and culture
Your being nice might be the thing that stops your business from shining. “The Law of Crappy People states: For any title level in a large organization, the talent on that level will eventually converge to the crappiest person with the title. The rationale behind the law is that the other employees in the company […]
GPS Has Made your Leadership Team Worse
Leading and managing isn’t GPS. Yet I’m seeing more people going into leadership roles with an expectation that there’s a definitive roadmap for every leadership question or dilemma.
If it didn’t work out last time, why would you do the same again?
If you try something and it works out badly, would you learn to do it differently next time? Oh the tedium of generic questions. Because the answer certainly shouldn’t be an automatic “yes”. Or “no”. Because the context is everything. I gave a CEO I was working with advice once not to sack a member […]
The maximisation of profit is the root of all evil
The maximisation of profit is the root of all evil. There’s not another root cause that has created more damage in the world. From deaths caused by the O&G sector, to infrastructure companies moved privately, to tobacco. We can choose whether those are the models to follow, or if we do things better.