The actions you take (or don’t take) to help you survive the crisis can easily destroy your business in the recovery that follows. Ask me how I know! I’ve led business through a number of recessions. The one that hurt most was the first dot com crash. We made it through the recession. With a […]
(Some) Political Leaders Accept it’s Time for a Rethink
A key reason I believe now is the time for business to face up to its social and environmental responsibilities, and to embrace purpose and values as core to its strategic model is that the crisis is forcing a rethink. With such a fundamental rethink required, we would be even more reckless and irresponsible than […]
Cash or Values First?
Crises test our values. Often, the only solution we can see is between preserving our cash or preserving our values. Best solution BY FAR? Find a way for it not to be a choice. Find a way to preserve both. Meaning make sure values inform the cash options you weigh up, and keep the two […]
What doesn’t kill you …
…usually ends up debilitating you. OK, so as a mantra, it’s not as motivational as its more common cousin. But unfortunately, it is more accurate as far as most businesses are concerned. Closely related to “what doesn’t kill you now, ends up getting you a bit later”. What doesn’t kill your company only ends up […]
The need for a structured response to crisis
The challenge when we go into a crisis is that we usually haven’t planned for it. Unless you’re a large corp or government (ahem – but let’s not talk about execution!). But that’s not usually the case with SMEs. Which is why I often find business leaders understandably reacting valiantly rather than proactively. Most of […]