Where Your Strategy Goes to Die No. 6 – Not giving it explicit time Am I the only one who loves this time between Christmas and New Year for work? I don’t have meetings. I don’t usually do a full day. But the time I have is spent in thinking bigger. It’s gold. Time to […]
Where Your Strategy Goes to Die #5 – Net Zero by 2050
Where Your Strategy Goes to Die #5 – Net Zero by 2050 The challenge with Net Zero by 2050, as many point out, is that it creates no urgency. It is too far away for people to feel the need to act. This is why “the decisive decade” – what we need to achieve in […]
Where Your Strategy Goes to Die #4 – The PowerPoint Cemetery
PowerPoint lures many a finely-honed strategy into its lair, where it then suffocates all life from it. And the ugliest of those deaths even have spreadsheets copied into the slide decks. PowerPoints give us a feeling of having structured something. Given it shape. Made a declaration. Add a spreadsheet, and now we have data! With […]
Where Your Strategy Goes to Die #3 – Playing the field
You’ve put the ring on your strategy’s finger as a leadership team. But no sooner you’ve walked out the room than a member of the leadership team presses you with an attractive-looking opportunity that brings in a number. But it doesn’t align. “Yes, I know we said we’d focus on building our brand on ethical […]
Where your strategy goes to die #2: 30% of 10 ≠ 100% of 3
I remember sitting in a leadership team strategy awayday some years back where the team agreed on its 14 priorities. … 14. Fourteen. … More than double the number of company priorities than the number of members of the leadership team. You’re on a hiding to nothing if your strategy consists of a large (e.g. […]