How would your company look if you made an explicit decision to be guided in your strategy, your operations and your decision-making by a principle to improve lives rather than maximise profit?
What if you decided what level of profit is necessary to achieve that goal, settled for that, and then used your P&L in service of that guiding principle, rather than striving for an additional 1% EBITDA?
Would your decisions look different? Would your company be better or worse for it?
How we can support you
- Join us on a workshop on how to scale your company; create time to focus on the bigger picture; and keep values and purpose core to your company. For max 5 CEOs of companies with revenues between £1.5m and £15m.
- Subscribe to our Bite-Sized Business Tips - thought snippets for values-centred business leaders. Every few days, a short focussed read on a specific topic of how to lead a company that values both profit and purpose.
- Talk to us to explore how we can help you scale your company in the direction you want to take it.