A key reason I believe now is the time for business to face up to its social and environmental responsibilities, and to embrace purpose and values as core to its strategic model is that the crisis is forcing a rethink. With such a fundamental rethink required, we would be even more reckless and irresponsible than usual as a species if we didn’t factor our planetary responsibilities in now that we’ve been forced into it.
So it was refreshing to see this from Macron in the FT.
“Mr Macron says he hopes the trauma of the pandemic will bring countries together in multilateral action to help the weakest through the crisis. And he wants to use a cataclysm that has prompted governments to prioritise human lives over economic growth as an opening to tackle environmental disasters and social inequalities that he says were already threatening the stability of the world order.”
To talk to Iyas about how to protect your business through the crisis and build a stronger and more purposeful one coming out of it, just book a time to chat.