I get somewhat fed up seeing and hearing advice about how you can “have it all”. Sure, at some level, usually a transactional one, you can go from either/or to both/and.
But at a life level? At a company level? Or at a country level (the main reason I don’t envy politicians)? Not so much.
Which is why prioritisation (and especially deprioritisation) is so important when looking at strategy. If you have 10 strategic priorities, you’re likely to achieve none.
(and you need to review the meaning of priority – not for nothing Confucious’s proverb “he who chases two rabbits catches neither”.)
“Less but better”. This was the mantra of the highly influential designer Dieter Rams. We’d do well at so many levels to make this a creed. For better companies. For better lives. For a more sustainable consumption and production model.
And far easier to understand than to implement!
(Less but better image is from poster on Etsy)
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