Gender-specific post for blokes who run companies.
Many men, myself included, have often said that the system’s not broke. But that’s because we’re fish in water…
David Foster Wallace recounts the story of two young fish swimming along who come across an older fish. “He nods at them and says, ‘Morning, boys. How’s the water?’ And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, ‘What the hell is water?'”
We look at the system, how we do things, how we lead, how our leadership teams interact with each other, and us with them, and we think “No, honestly, it’s fine. I don’t discriminate.”
But the reality is, intentionally or not, it is often invisible to us.
When I saw Sally Helgesen in her book tour, I asked her a question. I don’t remember what that question was. What I do remember is that part way through answering, she stopped, looked at the expression on my face, and said “I’m not answering your question, am I?”. Asked me to clarify, and then answered.
I’ve never seen anyone on stage do this. Ego usually gets in the way. Most say whatever they want to say, and scarcely look at the questioner. But not Sally. In a masterclass of what it means to listen, she listened to my expression, and actually came back to me.
All of us need to listen better. Men (and I generalise) especially.
And that’s why this book, written for women (and a really useful read if you are a woman), is a fantastic read for men. It talks to many of the things that we don’t listen to. Perhaps if more of us took it to heart, women wouldn’t have to jump through extra hoops for promotion or recognition.
Read it.
{If you buy it from this link you’ll be supporting independent bookshops, and we will put our affiliate commission to our fund for microloans to women business owners in the developing world}
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