One of the consequences of Covid19 is that many companies will have to rethink strategy. Not only for managing through the crisis, but for what we will need to look like for the economic climate that we’re going to find ourselves in post-crisis. The tangible trend over the last decade has been for companies to […]
Unknown unknowns can make you stronger
Unknown unknowns can be bad. AND create opportunities. For business leaders, an unk unk ( as Boeing engineers called it half a century before Rumsfeld made the phrase famous) throws up questions we have no certain answers to. Will I lose clients and revenue while it’s going on? How do I minimise the impact? Will […]
Can the Coronavirus make us better?
I used to think that only when the aliens attacked would we find enough common ground to work together as a single human race. Because although we face innumerable global challenges, from environmental to social to political, it is only when the danger seems immediate that we respond. It seems Covid-19 beat the aliens. Now […]
What do you want to rebuild?
We’re wondering when this will all be over. Fair question. But I’d hope we’re also thinking about what we’ve learned that we want to keep, and what we had before that we don’t want back. Do we want to return to soul-destroying commutes, or can we travel less to work and make any travel that […]
What do you want to rebuild?
We’ve been forced into an opportunity. Top of mind for every CEO is team, then cash flow. Maintain sales and payment, and control cost. Rightly so. No cash flow, no business. But unless you’re planning to rebuild a business that just goes from hand to mouth, you also need to be thinking about strategy. And […]