OK, so we are neither Presidents of the USA or Prime Ministers of the UK. However, I couldn’t help but think of these snippets in tandem – one from Obama’s autobiography, and the other from the BBC reporting on the checklist that new PMs go through when appointed.
Do read them both.

They highlight the responsibility of leadership. OK, we none of us will have the capability to press “the button”. Nor need to take in feedback from multiple intelligence agencies.
But a CEO, and especially a founder CEO, sits in a lonely place. You have a number of people whose families and livelihoods depend on the job you provide. And you are forever beset with uncertainties, people’s different perspectives and interests.
And in that context you make decisions that no one else in the organisation does. Many of which you can’t actually talk to any of them about.
Then add on top balancing what you believe to be “the right thing” with what payroll demands…
It needs both a system (process, structure, team) and a mindset to be able to do that effectively.
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