My times of most significant growth at work always came when I was serving something bigger. Turning around a very dispirited team, the most obvious thing for me was to put myself in their service. And to do it in action, not just in words. It wasn’t some grand sacrifice – it was simply what […]
Netflix and Blockbuster – the key lesson isn’t the one that’s in the lore
Nearly a decade after the demise of Blockbuster, we still hear it often cited as an example of the failure to see or act on innovation. It’s still bandied about as a lesson in how a dominant player can be disrupted out of existence. But that’s not the real lesson. When Blockbuster saw the Netflix […]
Don’t build a business to sell
A lot of early-stage startups that I meet want to talk about their exit strategy. They spend a lot of time figuring out how to build a company that they can sell for a good price. If exit is your goal (and remember it may not be the only way to build something that meets […]
Structure is not your goal
In our drive for structure, we should always remember that structure is there to support an outcome, and is not an end goal in its own right. Leaders and consultants alike are guilty of creating frameworks and matrices. McKinsey’s famous MECE (mutually exclusive, completely exhaustive) is a wonderful triumph of the intellect over the real […]
Profit or purpose first
You’ve seen a lot about how purpose is good for profit. It can be. Sometimes it’s not. But regardless, pursuing purpose on that basis is a dangerous road to go down. The more we talk about companies needing to lead with purpose and values because this is more profitable (which I hear A LOT) – […]