Most strategic decisions made by leadership teams are at best irrelevant, and at worst harmful. And this is for one simple reason.
They don’t get implemented.
This is especially the case in SMEs looking to scale up. And it happens for a number of reasons.
Sometimes no record is made that could lead to action, and the decision gets forgotten.
Sometimes the decisions are overruled or redecided.
Other times too many decisions get made that start too many initiatives, and there is no consistent or agreed method of prioritisation so there are simply too many things going on at once for any of them to be seen through.
Most commonly, there are no agreed and effective ways to get decisions that aren’t about the day-to-day implemented.
So unless you can overcome these, you’re better off just continually optimising business-as-usual. Otherwise you’ll be pretending to make a bunch of strategic decisions that in reality just soak up time, energy, goodwill and trust while not turning into completed initiatives.
And, by the way, overcoming these hurdles is very doable if leadership teams are serious about it.
How we can support you
- Join us on a workshop on how to scale your company; create time to focus on the bigger picture; and keep values and purpose core to your company. For max 5 CEOs of companies with revenues between £1.5m and £15m.
- Subscribe to our Bite-Sized Business Tips - thought snippets for values-centred business leaders. Every few days, a short focussed read on a specific topic of how to lead a company that values both profit and purpose.
- Talk to us to explore how we can help you scale your company in the direction you want to take it.