It never ceases to amaze me when SMEs voluntarily kill off their own advantages. One of the beauties of being relatively small is that we can be nimble. We can respond or pre-empt quickly. We don’t need to get 8 levels of approval, manage 9 competing quarterly-bonus obsessed execs and align 12 business units. Yet […]
Shall we rebuild the same unequal, vulnerable and high-carbon economy we had before?
“It would be a tragedy if after spending $10-20tn of public money we simply rebuild the same unequal, vulnerable and high-carbon economy we had before.” Dr Andrew Steer, president and CEO of World Resources Institute. I couldn’t have said it better. But beyond saying it, we actually need to act. Here are a couple of […]
Leading in crisis (5) – Communication
I was asked on Monday if I know a leader who over-communicates. Honestly? I’ve neither known nor often been one who’s communicated enough. It’s a top 3 concern in every leadership team I’ve worked with. Often number 1. (Though I have known many a leader who sometimes talked too much! Guilty as charged) How? First, frequently. […]
Leading in Crisis (4) – Be open
Out of 7 roles of authority, business leaders currently rank last in public opinion of response to the Covid Crisis. Behind journalists. Behind government leaders. Why is that? My guess would be that it’s because most are doing a shocking job of listening to and looking after their teams. It’s really hard to look after […]
Leading in crisis (3) – Confidence
If you lead a business, the last thing your team needs right now is brazen acts of vulnerability. (Let the trolling commence!). In times of crisis, we need leaders who inspire confidence in the direction we’re going. Because confidence turns purpose from fantasy to hope. But most of us can’t just switch confidence on and […]