We help leaders build companies that are human, profitable and sustainable
You want to lead a company that is commercially successful, and values or purpose led.
Because you believe both are important.
So do we.
We work with leadership teams using coaching, mentoring, consulting and/or training to help them meet a company's purpose, deepen its values, and perform financially. One of our clients described us as "values-led, action-oriented, and bullshit-free". Despite the profanity, we liked that a lot!
Remarkable companies ...
... are led by their purpose, guided by their values, and fuelled by their profit. and fun to work in!
They have crystal clear direction. Everyone knows where they're going. Teams know what to do and are empowered to do it. Purpose and Values aren't a marketing or CSR project. They're an integrated part of running their business successfully.
We're a business consultancy for companies that lead with purpose and values. Working with leadership teams on strategy, execution and leadership, we support them to get clear about their organisation's purpose and values, empower people with clarity about what to expect and what's expected, and implement processes to enable them to do what needs to be done.
Vision, Mission, Purpose, The Why, Values, ... What The Heck?
We see it simpler. We help you get clear on what you do and why (including the business of making profit), the difference you're going to make, and what people should expect when they interact with you.
Companies often create values and motivational aspirations. Usually, they turn into posters on the wall... as business continues as usual.
We help you embed them into the day-to-day. So purpose, strategy, values and financial goals happen.
Processes are vital for your goals. But you'll succeed based on your people and the relationships between them.
We'll help your leadership team get what needs to get done, done. And to do it in a way that's human and values-led. And to enjoy the ride!
Latest musings from our leadership blog
Why the CEO isn’t taking your contribution seriously
Coming back to perfection
If you’re stressed at work, might you be better suited to another job?
Your team wants you to be nice. That’s a problem.
Why don’t we tell people to stress?
Imposter Syndrome is not a condition
Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Now *that's* a condition! In most cases where I've spoken to leaders about it in reality it's something quite different. And ...