Your certificate won’t save the world
So you’ve got your B Corp. Your 1% for the planet (which we have). Or whatever your flavour of sustainable shingle is. Job done.
But is your sustainability certificate really making a difference? How deep does it go? Has it helped shape your commercial strategy?
I see a lot of companies now brandishing their sustainability credentials. And that’s a good thing. In my view, on *some* occasions, it’s a good thing even when it’s greenwash.
But even a well earned certificate offers you so many levels.
At its most basic, a sustainable company. Carbon neutral, or better, aiming for Net Zero is one level. And a laudable one.
But where it gets exciting is when you start to look for ways for it to shape your above-the-line commercial strategy. Specially if it allows you to both hit a more sustainable spot, and one that’s commercially stronger.
For example, if you’re a consulting organisation could you look at a portfolio which includes working with clients on their sustainability and biodiversity initiatives?
And not only if you’re a sustainability consultant. How about if you deliver Microsoft Teams, data and AI, Salesforce or whatever?
Addressing the sustainability challenge / opportunity in your value chain can form a part of your commercial strategy, and furrow a new niche.
And it’s not just about sustainability and biodiversity. It could as readily be diversity and social justice.
So sure, tick the carbon neutral box. That’s a good thing to do. But why stop there? Our world needs a more creative answer, and your company may flourish as a result.
Just make sure that it’s not a vanity offering that you can haul out to show everyone how much you care. Make it contribute to your bottom line, and you’ll give it business sustainability and the opportunity to scale impact.