Thoughts, News and Views
Leadership is Light
Leadership is light.Where are the role models? They're certainly not in charge of our political parties in the UK.The "leaders" of both main parties ...
What matters?
It's my birthday today. Always a time for reflection and looking ahead. But this year, as I watch thousands of my countryfolk being killed, ...
What you do about people determines performance and culture
Your being nice might be the thing that stops your business from shining."The Law of Crappy People states: For any title level in a ...
GPS Has Made your Leadership Team Worse
GPS does 2 things for us. It helps us find the way to where we want to go. And it estimates roughly when we'll ...
If it didn’t work out last time, why would you do the same again?
If you try something and it works out badly, would you learn to do it differently next time?Oh the tedium of generic questions.Because the ...

The maximisation of profit is the root of all evil
All? Maybe not entirely. But it is certainly the root of the evils which have impacted us most. And that's why your company should ...
Why the CEO isn’t taking your contribution seriously
If you're in a Senior Leadership Team, your CEO should welcome your contribution to the business at large. But you may find that contribution ...
Coming back to perfection
Summer is fantastic. But also often quite disruptive.Many of the CEOs I work with find that business gets a little bumpy over summer. Routines ...
If you’re stressed at work, might you be better suited to another job?
Too much stress for anyone at work is unsustainable, and shouldn't be normalised.But if there is regularly too much stress, it's not necessarily the ...

BoP #010 Strategy beyond the PowerPoint animation
When I was at uni, I meant to give my mum a call every week. I loved her, I knew she loved me, it ...
Your team wants you to be nice. That’s a problem.
Because you need to be kind more than you need to be nice.Though both would be great!But that's the great disconnect. The disconnect between ...
Why don’t we tell people to stress?
Why do we treat stress as such an evil? Why is the reaction to a co-worker who is stressed always one of sympathy and ...