2021 is making tougher demands on leaders than ever. We need to balance profit (and cash flow) with the physical and mental wellbeing of our teams. We're in a recession, but one with an expected healthy bounceback. We're navigating volatile and unpredictable demand from clients. And looming large is the expectation from our teams (and society) to build our companies with values and purpose that positively impact community and environment.
It's a heady mix. And with this level of complexity, we need to navigate through the highest probability moves to both survive, and come out strong. We need to find ways to bring our trajectories under our control and give our teams (and ourselves!) confidence.
In this live 60 minute webinar, I'll introduce the Build on Purpose business management framework, based on my experience leading through crisis and recovery - going from from startup to acquisition, IPO and trade sale - and used successfully to scale and strengthen other digital agencies and tech consultancies.
Key areas covered include:
- Navigating company growth and leadership during crisis;
- Making your leadership team more effective;
- Scaling up your business development and delivery capabilities;
- Increasing team retention;
- Maintaining profitability;
- Injecting purpose and values into the day to day and building a better place to work.